Jesus Is You: Trust Yourself and Avoid Evil Because No One Else Will Do It for You.

Jesus is you. Trust yourself and avoid evil because no one else will come to do it for you. God is with you, guiding and supporting you on your journey. Discover the power of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and inner strength in our latest blog post. Embrace your divine potential and lead a life of integrity and purpose.
Natural Believe: Praying to God, No need to be in any position.

TLDR; The belief in a higher power often leads individuals to adopt various rituals and practices, often involving specific postures or positions. However, Ndizeye Rubasha challenges this conventional notion in his enlightening discourse on praying to God. In his thought-provoking video, Rubasha dismantles the traditional concept of praying as a physical act requiring supplication and […]
Unveiling the Power of the Word: Exploring the Essence of the Word of God.

Unlock the profound influence of the Word of God in shaping our realities and relationships. Delve into the transformative power of words, from their creation to their impact on our thoughts and actions. Explore the responsibility we bear as stewards of language, and the potential to spread love, kindness, and understanding through intentional communication.